Patients & Families
From Start to Smile!

A Referral Begins the Process
Patients must be referred to PDI by a primary care physician, dentist, or through a dental screening.

Health and Physical Exam
A child must have a current Health and Physical Examination (H&P) before surgery (within 30 days).

Checking In at PDI
Please arrive early prior to the surgery appointment and prepare to spend most of the day at our facility.

Pre-Op Room
During Pre-Op, parents will meet the dentist performing the surgery, speak with the anesthesiologist, and a registered nurse will take vital signs and prepare for surgery. During this time questions will be answered regarding treatment plans and post-op care.

During Surgery
The child is closely monitored while under general anesthsia. Treatments may include extractions, pulpotomies, crowns and fillings.

Post Operation
After surgery, patients recover in our Post Operative Care Unit (PACU).
PDI COVID-19 Protocols
Click HERE for PDI COVID Protocols
Click HERE for PDI Surgery Center's ACA1557 nondiscrimination policy.